A Study Of Biblical Eschatology - Finding Solid Ground In A Time Of Confusion - Part III

As we listen to, or read news articles portraying the words and opinions of academics, scientists, politicians, and epidemiologists, we hear confusion and incongruence about when restrictions and “lockdown” will end. We hear that it may be rolling restrictions, or that it may take years to fully combat the COVID-19 strain. For some, this feels like the “end” of life as we knew it. But is it “the end?”

By Hans Rasmussen

A Study Of Biblical Eschatology - Finding Solid Ground In A Time Of Confusion - Part II

This week, I want to add four additional thoughts that will continue to set the baseline of our understanding of eschatology, or the study of “last things.” Recognizing these truths will help us weather the storm of apocalyptic paranoia that tends to happen around any traumatic world event, and at the same time, keep our focus on Christ so that when He does return, we are prepared to meet our loving Savior and King.

By Hans Rasmussen

A Study Of Biblical Eschatology - Finding Solid Ground In A Time Of Confusion - Part I

Many of us are very well acquainted with the line from the movie The Wizard of Oz where the main characters worry about “lions, tigers, and bears, oh my!” When headlines that are worrisome pop in the news dealing with “earthquakes, pestilences, and famines", many in the Church respond with the same worry. But should we worry?

By Hans Rasmussen

Why Go Without? An Overview of the Biblical Practice of Fasting

Why go without? That question probably sounds rhetorical. Why would anyone want to go without? Since, in our affluence, we never have to go without, why would anyone choose to go without? That is a good question. Let’s see if we can answer it as we cover the topic of fasting…

By Larry Grine

Some Things Shouldn’t Change

Many things are different these days. For instance, we’re not gathering to worship together. This change is significant since experiencing face-to-face fellowship is a big part of many of our lives. But some things shouldn’t change…

By Larry Grine

My Heart Longs To See You All...

Never have the following words of Paul to the church at Rome made so much sense to me: “For I long to see you, that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to strengthen you— that is, that we may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith, both yours and mine.” (Romans 1:11–12)

Question & Answer Text Line Responses

By Hans Rasmussen

As a means to answer questions that come up in your study of scripture or through our corporate study of the book of Deuteronomy, we have an anonymous text question line that we have provided for our church body during our Sunday gatherings. The questions below have been submitted via that process. We hope that the answers provided help bring some clarification to those questions. Thank you Mission Fellowship for being a people that desire to know the word of God and back up that desire with action. Our prayer as your leadership team is that we can continue to guide you in the ways of Jesus and answer questions as they arise from your own personal study time in God’s Word..

Rightly Dividing the Topic of Forgiveness

By Hans Rasmussen 

The topic of forgiveness is a subject of intense emotional weight for most of us, if not all of us. Whether it be sin and harm that we have done or sin and harm that has been done to us, it is core to our being that we know forgiveness and grant it as well. Perhaps the reason that we take it so seriously, and rightly so, is that the forgiveness we grant others is linked intimately in scripture with the forgiveness that God gives us.

Door of Faith Orphanage

By Sarah Moriah

    About a week ago, I returned to the states after spending 30 days at an orphanage in Baja. I didn’t really know completely what I was getting myself into as I waited at the San Diego airport for some woman named Beth, to pick me up and take me to Mexico. I knew I would be at an orphanage, and I was praying that God would teach me and give me some sort of clarity about my future. What I got out of my experience at DOFO was so much more.

Perseverance In Pain and the Grace To Stay

By Samm Norton

The body of Christ, His church, His temple, His people. This is what “The Church” is supposed to be. Unfortunately, it often falls short. The church is expected to exemplify Christ's love and His faithfulness, but He and He alone is perfect, and therefore our earthly efforts will fail more than they will succeed.