Why Gather? - Part IV

All of the information provided so far may have been good for you to read, and it may have even given you a stronger belief in the necessity for the gathering of the local church. But you might still be saying that there is one piece of information that we have not yet addressed: that of the risk that is posed by gathering. Why not pause gathering until there is some kind of solution in place, such as a vaccine? I hope this post will be helpful in again providing material to ponder as you make your own decision on gathering with the body.

Why Gather? - Part III

So when we gather at Mission Fellowship, what are we communicating? Do we recognize our own individual part in communicating that message? And where do we get the backing to the traditions we do practice? Are we considered High Church or Low Church, and how does that help or hinder our witness? I hope to answer these questions in today’s post. It is a long one, so grab some coffee and your Bible and notebook and let’s dig in together…

Why Gather? - Part II

In our contemporary culture, with access to Christian podcasts, livestreams, online articles, books read to us digitally, regular access to Christian worship that is professional and polished, it is no wonder that many Christians are confused as to what constitutes “The Church” and what part we each individually play in our interaction with that Church. In this post, we ask the question, “What does our gathering proclaim?”