What Are You Doing This Weekend? 

What are you doing this weekend? This is a common question. Friends ask about our plans. Each week we consider our agenda of upcoming activities and juggle various commitments. We allow variables to play a part in what we do on any given weekend. As Christians, we can decide ahead of time what to prioritize…

Some Things Shouldn’t Change

Many things are different these days. For instance, we’re not gathering to worship together. This change is significant since experiencing face-to-face fellowship is a big part of many of our lives. But some things shouldn’t change…

By Larry Grine

Question & Answer Text Line Responses

By Hans Rasmussen

As a means to answer questions that come up in your study of scripture or through our corporate study of the book of Deuteronomy, we have an anonymous text question line that we have provided for our church body during our Sunday gatherings. The questions below have been submitted via that process. We hope that the answers provided help bring some clarification to those questions. Thank you Mission Fellowship for being a people that desire to know the word of God and back up that desire with action. Our prayer as your leadership team is that we can continue to guide you in the ways of Jesus and answer questions as they arise from your own personal study time in God’s Word..

What I Learned from the Prodigal Son and His Father

By Alesia Gadach

“But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and felt compassion and ran and embraced him and kissed him.”  Luke 15:20

Reading this from the Parable of the Prodigal Son in Luke 15 has always caused an unexplained prick in my heart and an unexpected sting of tears in my eyes.  Recently I’ve been on a journey of transformation that led me to study in depth this parable and I discovered why it affected me so deep in my heart.

Under The Broom Tree

By Kayla Johnson

When I think of the men and women God used in the Old Testament, I tend to think of them as being mighty and special, a bit like super-heroes.  They did incredible things.  Moses led the Israelites to the promised land.  David shot down Goliath with a sling and a stone.  Elijah called down fire from heaven.  Crazy, amazing things.

What Can God Do In The Small Things? Save A Life For Eternity.

One of the ways that Mission Fellowship stewards the provision God gives us through the church family is to help in whatever way we can when Jesus calls one of His children from within our church body to serve Him in a particular way.  Recently, the Mission family was able to assist one of our own, Susan Marthaller, as she stepped out in faith and traveled to Uganda with a group called Gospel Messengers.  Mission was able to assist with a small amount to help in the work that was done.  Below, you will see what the Lord taught Susan in her own words.  Thank you Mission family for your desire to give generously to the Lord's work.

It's The Little Things...

I recently came across this article posted on the Gospel Coalition Blog from Tim Keller, Pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church in Manhattan, New York.  I found it extremely insightful and convicting and hope that those of you in the Mission Fellowship family will read it with an open heart to hear from the Lord as well...

Wielding The Spiritual Weapon of Fasting

In our attempts to remove ourselves from the dead religion of many of our forefathers, we in the current church are sometimes guilty of casting out the good with the bad.  One such tradition that has been wrongly demonized by some is that of fasting.  Over my time in the church, I have often seen the topic of fasting abused or else excused by the very people for which it is meant as a blessing.  Using the Biblical text as our guide, I would like to take a moment to analyze what God intended for fasting and how we can utilize it to empower our walk with Christ.