The Value of Solitude and Silence, Part 2

These have been days of confusion, unrest and disconnection in our nation and in our hearts. It seems like just when everything is starting to get back to normal, we’ve all begun to wonder what the new normal may be. So much seems uncertain. This is a great time to draw close to God.

By Larry Grine

The Value of Solitude and Silence

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought many changes to our social lives. Being alone so much more than usual can lead to feelings of loneliness. Staying secluded seems to some like being stuck in a solitary confinement cell. What should we do?

By Larry Grine

Why Go Without? An Overview of the Biblical Practice of Fasting

Why go without? That question probably sounds rhetorical. Why would anyone want to go without? Since, in our affluence, we never have to go without, why would anyone choose to go without? That is a good question. Let’s see if we can answer it as we cover the topic of fasting…

By Larry Grine