Indonesia — The Toews Family, Serving Mission Aviation Fellowship

The goal of Mission Aviation Fellowship is to “Share the love of Jesus Christ using aviation and technology so that isolated people may be physically and spiritually transformed.” Jodie and Jeremy Toews along with their three young sons are traveling to Kalimantan, Indonesia to share the gospel of Jesus with the Muslim people through Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF). We are blessed to partner with them financially and in prayer as they carry out the vision of MAF in Kalimantan, Indonesia by “serving communities, supporting the church, and showing compassion.” So, what does this look like practically? Here is a great description taken straight from the Toews family blog:

Serving Communities: “Many communities in Kalimantan are basically cut off from the rest of the world due to a lack of basic transportation infrastructure. Without aviation, these people would be left with a 1-2 month hike through the jungle or canoe trip through treacherous rivers to get to the nearest city. MAF airplanes can cover that same distance in a one hour flight while carrying building supplies, generators, food, or anything else a community might need.”

Supporting the Church: “The pastors, church planters and Bible translators serving in these same communities rely heavily on MAF support to accomplish their work. MAF pilots not only provide transportation to meet basic needs for these workers, they can also be a great source of encouragement as co-laborers in Christ.”

Showing Compassion: “MAF airplanes are the only ambulances available to many of these communities.  When people are in need of immediate medical attention for any reason, an MAF medevac flight is likely their only hope. This allows MAF to demonstrate Christ's love in a very tangible way, meeting physical needs which can open doors to meet even deeper, spiritual needs.”

For more information and current updates on the Toews family, please click on the following links:

Mission Aviation Fellowship — Toews

Toews Family Blog

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